What I’m paying for the 2020 US MINT gold and silver coins

Update – follow me on Twitter for latest pricing update (or check back here right after the coin drops – https://twitter.com/MilesperDay

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know about the 2 coins releasing this Thursday. I just know the MINT site will crash. To score one of the 1945 gold coins, I’m guessing you’ll need to buy it in under a minute. Good luck with that. When that sells out, you should have time to buy the silver one – I’m guessing you’ll have up to 5 minutes for that one.

Edit – $3,000 over cost. Buying this gold coin for $2000 over cost! – https://catalog.usmint.gov/end-of-world-war-ii-75th-anniversary-american-eagle-gold-proof-coin-20XE.html

Buying this silver coin for $125 over cost (may raise my price, check back Thursday morning) – https://catalog.usmint.gov/end-of-world-war-ii-75th-anniversary-american-eagle-silver-proof-coin-20XF.html

You’ll be responsible for shipping the coins. Priority Mail has insurance up to $5,000 and precious metals qualify for the insurance (I know a few people who have had to file claims on past US MINT coins and everyone got paid out what they insured it for.) PAY FOR THE INSURANCE!

To lock in the deal, forward your US Mint order confirmation to coinsperday@gmail.com. You will have ONE HOUR to forward me the order confirmations. If I receive the order confirmations after 10AM PT on Thursday, I have the right to not buy the coin from you. I’ll then reply back with instructions on how to ship the coin, address, etc. DO NOT OPEN THE BOX!

I think for the last coin, I had a few hundred ppl “commit” to buying the coin. Of that, a small percentage fwd’ed me their order confirmations. And of that, maybe 10-20% actually shipped me the coin. Hey, I get it, that’s the name of the game – you found a better price elsewhere. While I’m not going to lawyer up on you, just know that if you fwd’ed me your order confirmations last time and didn’t send me the coin, you’re excluded from this deal.

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