My experiences trying to get my 3% Paypal fee on cancelled Ebay items

Ever since Paypal implemented their bullshit “we’re not refunding the 3% on cancelled and/or refunded Ebay transactions,” I’ve been trying to get this money from stupid Ebay buyers who want to cancel their order. Here are my 3 experiences so far:

One item sold for $700. That was a $20 hit. I told the buyer about it and he seemed okay to want to pay it. In one Ebay message, I sent him a payment request to his phone number. He never paid.

Another item was actually the Tool poster from last month. The buyer was at least honest and said he saw new listings for cheaper. I told him about the 3% fee and after I cancelled, he sent me the 3%.

Another item wound up to be about a $5 fee. I told the idiot about the fee and that he needed to pay before I cancelled the item. He never paid me the fee and the time period for me to cancel the item expired on Ebay. I then messaged him and asked, “What now? You were supposed to pay.” He had assumed he’d pay after the cancellation. Ugh. At least he decided he still wanted the item.

A few more <$20 items, I never bothered to ask for the fee. I think once you hit the $5 mark, then it doesn’t hurt to reach out to them. All 3 buyers initially seemed okay with the fee since they know it was their mistake. I’m still not quite sure the best way to get the 3% from folks; I’ve been sending a photo of a piece of paper with my Paypal email on it.

If anyone has a better idea on how to get people to pay the 3%, I’m all ears. Remember, you technically can’t force them to pay this so it’s just social engineering at this point.

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