How to tell if you’re banned from Ticketmaster

I mean who DIDN’T see this coming right? I’ve been banned by banks, from online stores and heck, even my local Best Buy (although it’s been so long that I’ve been able to go back.) Well now you can add Ticketmaster to that list.

So how do you know when you’re banned? Well when on desktop you try to TRANSFER or SELL tickets, you’ll get this error saying, “Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request. Please try again.” If you’re NOT banned, you can usually push OK and try it a few more times and it’ll take. If you’re banned, you’ll get that error ALL the time. If you try to chat with them, they’ll tell you your account has been flagged as a reseller and your account is essentially toast. However, you can still buy NEW tickets just fine. You can even do the transfers and sell IN THE APP (for now at least.)

However, the downside of doing mobile transfers in the app is that you don’t get the email that you’ve transferred tickets that has the email address you sent the tickets to, which is crucial when and if Stubhub ever asks for proof of transfer (that shows the recipient’s email address.) You’ll get the email of the acceptance, but there’s no buyer email in that email (only a name.) I mean Stubhub doesn’t know if you transferred the tickets to yourself and just used the buyer’s name.

The CLEANEST workaround is to fire up a new TM account. You can then transfer all of your tickets to account B. Account B can then transfer and sell on desktop. You should basically abandon account A because if they ever stop app transfers, then you’re SOL.

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