Redeem Safeway “gas” rewards for groceries in certain markets

It seems that Safeway is rolling out a test in certain markets where you can redeem your usual Safeway “gas” rewards for groceries now.  If you connect the dots from the last couple of days, you can figure out how to generate these rewards.  Now what if you…



A sample of the current “free” items:

2 comments on “Redeem Safeway “gas” rewards for groceries in certain markets

  1. I somehow got taken to the page displaying the Grocery offers and since I don’t have a car I was excited to use my gas rewards for grocery items. I loaded them on my club card and everything worked when I went to the store and got the items. But I have since found out that the Grocery rewards is not yet available in the Seattle market, and I can’t figure out how to access the page that let me redeem my gas rewards for the grocery items.

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