An update on my monstera albo plant

A little over a year ago, I got into rare plants and bought a monstera albo for about $270. Just wanted to give a quick update on it. When I bought it, it had 1 leaf and cost me $270. The market has dipped since then due to more supply [due to propragation.] I’d say a 1 leaf plant would run you about $150 these days, so nearly a 50% drop YoY.

Here’s my current plant which now has 8 leaves. I plan on propagating her, which means I’d need to chop her up. If I do that, I should be able to make 4 cuts and sell each cut for about $150 each, so $600 net. What did it cost me? Well a year of watering it as well as a new pot (free from Nate) and moving it to leca; not sure how much you’d put all that at. I don’t consider my time being a cost since I very much enjoyed watching the plant grow. You could argue I doubled my money over the year since money did grow on this tree.

I recently joined a Facebook group of WA rare plants and some of these folks are HARD-CORE! They have grow lights with humidifiers in grow tents all growing these types of plants so that they can grow them as fast as possible and propagate to sell whereas here I am with my one slow growing plant. I’m not ready to be that hard core nor do I want to be that hard core.

5 comments on “An update on my monstera albo plant

  1. I’m afraid time will prove that plant to be something I cannot unsee. It makes me think of “Little Shop Of Horrors”, or a dog with three eyes.

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