MINT coin opportunity on Thursday March 24

Update 7/12/22 Coins are beginning to ship out. The form to request a label is linked below. Make sure you wait until you have coins IN HAND before requesting a label. Please ship out the coins promptly. If you can not ship it out promptly, send me an email to discuss. Thanks.

Update 7/22/22 Folks with multiple coins where 1 coin has arrived and 2nd one is outstanding – just wait for the 2nd one to arrive. Not everyone’s coins have shipped so you have time to wait. I’ll update again when you need to get everything on the truck.

Update 7/27/22 Mint sent out emails today that some orders are delayed until August 22. If you have coins in hand already or have coins arriving soon, then go ahead and send all those in now. Don’t wait until Aug 22 to send those in hand coins in. As of now, DON’T CANCEL any August 22 shipments.

Update 9/5/22 It seems 99% of coins have been delivered. If you have a coin in hand, please ship it out by Sunday 9/11. If you have a coin that is still in processing, please send me an email so we can discuss.

Update 9/13/22 Shipping label form is closed now.

On Thursday, there’s going to be a MINT coin opportunity. Please read this post fully.

The coin won’t ship until July 14, 2022 and the MINT won’t charge you until it ships, so it’s sort of a pre-order. Because the coin won’t ship immediately, this complicates things a bit so keep reading.

If you want to lock in a price now with the buyer, he will pay you $125 and provide insured label. That means you will make a $25 profit per coin.

Update – Apparently not clear enough. You do NOT need to reserve or lock in BEFORE the coin drop. You lock in the price AFTER you have successfully bought the coin.

The market price MAY go higher before the July ship date or maybe my buyer wants more allocation and will raise the price to for example $150. If you hadn’t locked in before, you can then choose to lock in at $150 then. If you already locked in at $125, then too bad – you’ll still be paid out at $125. Conversely, if the market price tanks to say $110 and you’re locked in at $125, then you’ll be paid out at $125.

NO ONE KNOWS HOW THE COIN MARKET will play out. Just look at last year’s Peace and Morgan coins falling off a cliff after the inital lockin price. So it’s a gamble. Do you want to gamble on the coin market or do you want to lock in at $125? THAT’S UP TO YOU!

If you lock in the $125 price and don’t deliver the coins to the buyer, you will be blacklisted from selling any future coins to my buyers, so yeah, you may make an extra $50 on this coin but you’ll be back to PFS rates on the gold coins. The only exception to this is if you can provide proof that the USMINT cancelled your order.

If you want to get cute and grade the coin yourself, you can read about my experience here. Spoiler – it sucks.



There is no need to reserve a spot before the drop.


Thursday, after purchasing the coins

If you decide to lock in the $125 price,

  1. Fill in this form (This form will stay open for at least 12 hours after the drop. After that time has passed, if this form is closed, that means we are not taking any more locked in coins at $125.)
  2. Forward your US Mint order confirmation (wait for the 2nd one that is the ORDER CONFIRMATION and not just ORDER RECEIVED) to Please don’t expect a confirmation reply to the email.

If you’ve done the 2 steps, then you’re locked in.


Shipping label request form once coins IN HAND

DO NOT OPEN THE BOX when it arrives. It should come in a plain brown box from USPS with from label MEMPHIS, TN. If you bought multiple coins, you can check the tracking to know which coin is which. You can combine multiple coins into A BIGGER OUTER BOX and request 1 label. DO NOT OPEN THE MINT BOXES!

When you have coins in hand, request a shipping label here

Labels are created in a batch once a day. If you miss the cutoff, you’ll get the label the next business day.

Coin dropoffs

You can then drop off the coins but MAKE SURE YOU GET A DROPOFF RECEIPT. DO NOT HAND IT TO A RANDOM DRIVER! Keep this receipt until you get paid.



When the coins get delivered, an electronic check will be emailed to you within 3-4 business days (takes time to open and process.) Please check your spam folder for an email from Onlinecheckwriter, especially if you have Hotmail/Outlook.

60 comments on “MINT coin opportunity on Thursday March 24

    1. Following – I’m curious as to what the buyers are thinking going forward about these colorized versions.

        1. Hi Vinh,
          Is there a way to check if I already locked in at $125? I forgot to keep a record of this and my two coins just shipped today.

      1. Yeah they say they could not change the shipping address for me. I guess I will have to cancel–I’m sorry this doesn’t work out.

  1. Hi Vinh,

    For the 2022 American eagles (w) that were not available to public as all were spoken for by enrollment, well I have 75 of these coming from 3 enrollments I manage. Do you know of any interested buyers? They are shipped soon but note that I am out of country from 4/19-5/6.

    Mike Willard

    1. 60,000 were available to the public on the 14th at noon; they sold out in the evening of that day. I believe the product total for that coin (not the mintage number as this coin is in other sets) was around 360K, thus 300K for enrollments.

  2. mine changed from backorder to processing this week, which is odd if they aren’t supposed to ship til the summer. will see what happens.

    1. After I read your post, I logged into my US Mint account. As with your case, my order is now in “Processing.”

  3. Ordered and filling in the form. Not willing to take a risk on this. The fact that they are still available 26 minutes in – without website issues – indicates that the price isn’t going to go much higher.

  4. Anyone else notice that the Mint’s checkout page doesn’t allow Chrome to autofill credit card info anymore?

    1. are you saving it on your mint account? i did it that way and it comes through just fine (before the website improvements a year ago that was more problematic).

      1. Yes, but that’s not what I’m referring to. I’m talking about Chrome’s autofill feature. It seems like it doesn’t recognize the fields on the Mint’s checkout page. It was recognizing it a few days ago though.

  5. Locked in for 2. Easy money. Good luck if you’re holding out for a higher price though. I personally wanted the sure thing today.

  6. I like this, makes it a little more exciting. On Thursday you can ask yourself, “are you feeling lucky today?” and maybe hold off doing the lock. Or you know there is no such thing as luck, and you take the current safe offer.

  7. It’s on Mint website:

    Item Number: 22CQ
    Mintage Limit: 400,000 (across all products)
    Product Limit: 25,000
    Household Order Limit: 1

  8. What are you guys complaining about? Did you not read the instructions? Vinh is asking you to lock in and commit ONLY after you are successful in purchasing the coin. If the Mint website prevents you from purchasing, its a non-issue – you don’t commit and you don’t get blacklisted.
    I like this method.

    1. I did and the first paragraph says “If you want to lock in a price now with the buyer, he will pay you $125”.

      It did not say that “now” was not literal.

      It later in the post mentioned the conflicting info about not having to lock in until the 12 hour period after it drops. He has clarified it now. It was just that he meant now as in once ordered not as in right now. All good.

  9. Same question. It makes sense to punish speculators who cancel because they can go elsewhere if they lacked in and price goes up.
    Also makes sense the buyer wants to be at less risk of any loss and also wants those who commit to taking the potential loss for the bird in the hand.
    Ominous to even try with that threat, due to the mint’s website issues.

    It is not right to threaten or ban people when they do put in the effort in good faith and are willing to accept the locked-in price now.

    I sent Vinh my history to show my effort and failure because refreshing prohibits screenshots of errors and we all know that any split-second taking one will lessen the chance of success. The mint site gets FUBARED and we get banned?

    If I were to commit, I would take screencaps of every error and appeal. But then I would most likely miss the few seconds of opportunity. Once I understood if there is a limit and if I could possibly order 10 or more, I might try, providing the threat was not so black and white.

  10. “If you lock in the $125 price and don’t deliver the coins to the buyer, you will be blacklisted from selling any future coins to my buyers, so yeah, you may make an extra $50 on this coin but you’ll be back to PFS rates on the gold coins. The only exception to this is if you can provide proof that the USMINT cancelled your order.”

    Oftentimes during past coin deals (including the most recent one, in my case the 1/2 oz coin) I do everything possible to buy the coin but the website crashes repeatedly before the coin sells out or goes on backorder. I am not sure how we would be able to prove that happened. Would people who made a good faith effort but failed to purchase the coin be punished?

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