The rise of pajama points



If you’re relatively new to this game, you probably want to accumulate as many points as possible, and so you’ll deal with standing in front of Kate for 2 hours loading $200 VGCs.  That was me up to about 6 months ago… well, I didn’t stand there for 2 hours, but I was there for 1 hour.  The whole time, I kept hating myself for wasting my time standing there.  And I didn’t even need more Chase UR, United, BA, or Hyatt points!  Even up to about a month or two ago, I didn’t fully welcome pajama points.  What are pajama points you ask?  It’s points you earn from literally in your pajamas.  This includes on the buy side as well as the liquidation side.  You’ll pay more for liquidation fees, but in theory, you’ll make up for it in volume.

My sanity/time is worth the fees

Just last night, I unloaded a handful of Staples $200 VGC’s from home.  I pushed them all to my credit union.  I had done a batch last week, and when I logged on to the credit union’s web site last night, I was shocked at the high balance (sometimes when you load too many RB cards, you kinda forget where all your money went.)   The relief you get from being able to move VGCs into your bank account with ease more than makes up for the higher fees you’ll pay.  This relief is synonymous to when I stopped reselling on eBay; while I was initially down about being banned from eBay, not having to wake up and pack stuff up to send off every day and not dealing with customer service issues more than made up the money I was making.

Plus, you know I’m very antsy these days with USB VGC/MGC, so I definitely try to move those QUICK.  My new strategy these days is to save $500 cards for Walmart/Target.  Anything less than that goes into pajama points.  Plus, I can do all this while watching the best show on TV, “Bachelor in Paradise”:


C’mon Samantha!  What are you doing with Joe?  Dump that guy!

Applies to reselling too

While I’m trying to get out of reselling, one of the appeals of reselling is that those would be considered pajamas points too.  You sit at home, you order items, then you ship to Amazon FBA or Ebay (hopefully you have UPS picking it up at your house.)  Sure, you’ll have to deal with returns/customer service issues, but that’s another topic.  The point is you are trying to avoid going to the armpit of America aka Walmart.  Target isn’t so bad, but now I even wonder if it’s worth my time to go to Kroger/CVS/RA and Target as well.  Especially now with the death of AGC.  That’s why I love my Buxx cards; I can load at home and I can unload at home.   Smaller margin but much higher volume and not as much of a time-suck.  Long live pajama points!  Sorry this post went nowhere; I had to study up for my 10 year old auction/2 keeper FFL draft last night, and I’m ill-prepared. I’m sure I’m forgetting some stuff.  While I think about it, you can take a look at the above picture and guess which one is Joe.

12 comments on “The rise of pajama points

  1. still breaking my head on this one, any clue ? Even if you load/unload it via buxx its gonna be more expensive.

      1. Thank you for NOT giving clues. I was enjoying a fragile deal for a long time before a blogger gave away too many clues. This deal could only support the number of us who found it on our own; there were very few. Within 2 months it died. I found out from someone at a certain company that was involved in this deal that it died because “too many became involved because they read about it on a blog in xxxx month.”

        1. Most of these great deals are told in confidence, so if I’m told a deal, I don’t out it. I also will give back a deal, so it’s a give-and-take. It takes a lot of time and networking to find hidden deals, and deals are becoming so fragile these days.

  2. After the most recent episode, you still think Joe is the bad guy?!?

    I know there’s a lot of editing involved, specifically selectively showing scenes to craft the storyline the writers/producers are trying to put forth, but Samantha totally seems like the puppet master here.

    Joe was a total d*ck this season, but it seems like he got his head clouded in a, “I met the woman of my dreams and I’ll do anything to stay here for her” sort of way. Just look at how desperate he is to keep her.

    Undoubtedly, I don’t know if I’d fare much better in his position. She is HOT.

    1. Nah, I haven’t watched it yet, but now I’m looking forward to it! I think my issue is that they had already been talking before the show, so they basically used the show for a free vacation meetup. Not really fair to the others who were truly single. Plus, he probably shouldn’t have led on that other girl if he knew that was going nowhere. And agreed that she is HOT; I’m surprised she never got airtime on her season though.

  3. I’m all for pajama points! Can you provide more detail on unloading the $200 gift cards to your credit union? Also, are you buying the gift cards from Staples online to make it a completely pajama purchase? If so, does Staples have a limit?

    1. Renee, yes I used to buy them at home. You can buy 9 cards a day. Your bottleneck is your Ink card and not Staples at that rate. I’ll contact the company to see if I can divulge the information.

      1. If there is a limit of 9 VGC per day at, it is 9 VGC per day per Ink Card. I have multiple Ink cards. Like Renee, I was also wondering how to unload cards to a financial institution.

        1. it should be clear enough from recent posts – get a short term loan from a credit union and then use plastiq to make payments

          1. Too expensive and too risky with the reported payment plastiq problems with payments not posting

        2. Also interested, though I’m guessing they probably aren’t outside of the SEA area and my local ones don’t seem to offer anything similar. Between this and your reloadit post, it looks like CUs are the way to go!

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