Last week, there was a deal where you could get $25 credit to this clothing website (intentionaly being vague.) They probably didn’t mean for it to be more than a 1 time use code, but alas it seemed generic, meaning if you kept creating new accounts, then you could keep getting the $25 over and over. So how many accounts do you spin up? Do you just do 1? Do you do one for every person in your house – let’s say that number is 4? Do you go nuts and do 20? Do you do 100?
Fast forward 3 days later and the deal is surpringly still alive. You’ve got some shipment emails on the first batch of orders. At this point, you’re thinking it’s time to crank out more orders. So you crank out more orders that night and over the weekend. Then come Tuesday, you start getting cancellation emails. When you log into any account, it says “This account is banned.” You ask around and find out people did way more orders than you did. So now you’ve realized… that you, the pig, got slaughtered along with the hogs. If only you had done more orders back when you had the chance…