Apple Cash locked

Earlier this week, my Apple Cash account got locked. I had about $1600 laying in there from past payments, but was too lazy to withdraw it (this had nothing to do with the issue.) Anyway, you know that saying, “Always be probin…” Well I was probin… I added a card to my Apple Wallet and then swept $5,000 from it to my Apple Cash account. Then I was probin’ with 3-4 other cards, which didn’t work. So I gave up and went to bed with a $6600 balance.

The next day, I tried to open my Apple Cash account and immediately saw that it was restricted. This is when I found out that Apple doesn’t actually hold your money….GREEN DOT does! Yup, Apple uses GD as their Apple Cash “bank.” Anyway, I called up the number and got a nice lady on the phone, who put in a ticket to help unblock my account. She didn’t ask me any questions about the loads or the cards. I think she may have asked if I it was me using the account. The next day, I opened up my Apple Cash account and my account was good to go.

I then sent $3000 to an Apple email address and there was a popup saying something like, “This could be fraud.” I hit “Send anyway.” I mean what’s more suspicious… me sweeping the $6.6K to my bank or me sending it to people? Anyway, yeah, don’t keep money in your Apple Cash account, especially since now you know Green Dot is managing it. I was all ready to CFPB them too, and I was a bit glad to see I could have CFPB’d GD versus Apple, who I’m sure would pull an Amazon and DGAF with your money.

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