AMEX asks for Form 4506-T on application

I was late to the AMEX referral game so last week I put P2’s SSN to work. She hadn’t applied for any AMEX cc’s over the last 90 days, so I went nuts. First off, she got approved for biz Platinum. Then I got her a biz Gold. Then realized she had some cc slots free, so I got her a Blue Biz Cash and a Delta Biz Gold. Then I learned that apparently a biz Plat and a pers Plat are treated independently now. I had recalled back in 2023 that AMEX moved to a 1 per 90 days for ANY Platinums (biz and pers,) but apparently that is no longer the case. So she applied for a personal Platinum, which was also instantly approved.

This is when I pressed my luck cuz hey why not. I then tried to refer her for a personal Gold. So this would be card number 6 in a span of a week. Naturally it was denied. When she called in, they told her she’d need to upload IRS Form 4506-T, basically giving AMEX permission to look at your taxes. It was odd because the rep didn’t really walk her through how to do any of this. There was no email either. The rep basically said, “Yea, upload the form on our web site.” Uhh okay. So we’ll just let that app go and call it good at 5. Although I think I’ll fire off a Biz GREEN app for shits and giggles.

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