It’s wild that we have another change to the J4U program. It seems they have changed the $ off rewards to be a) monthly instead of weekly and b) a max of 4 times.

The net effect is similar since when they were weekly, assume 4 weeks in a month, you got to use the $20 reward 4 times. At least now you can redeem free items up to 4 times, which is a positive change.
You just have to wonder why it’s taken them 2 months to get to this end result. Like it can’t be that hard to have coded these new coupons. And why was it iterative changes and then pulled back and then re-implemented? I wonder if a Karen called in to complain and they rolled the changes back because of her. It’s just wild that we get almost weekly changes to this program. I have a feeling this is the end of it, but we’ll see.
UrObsessed OvR Just4U