An update on my passion fruit plant

Earlier this year, I planted a passion fruit plant.  I had little hopes for it since a) I was late in getting started, b) I was growing it in a pot and c) winter was coming.  Eventually though, the plant grew pretty vigorously.  I had to re-pot it into a bigger container. Then it started to flower.

I then hand-pollinated the flowers.  Then it bore fruit.  I then tried one of the fruit (too tart not enough juice aka it wasn’t ripe yet.)

Then the vines grew so long I had to buy a trellis for it.  It then got up to 12 fruit hanging on the vine.  Then winter came.  I had to make the decision on whether to bring it into the house or risk it being out in the winter.  I decided to keep it outside because a) it was supposed to be winter hardy and b) I was able to snip off a couple of clippings that started to grow that I could use for next year in case the ‘parent’ died.  Eventually, we hit a week of 30 degree weather at night (cold for Seattle.)  This cold streak killed the vines.  The fruit started to fall out.  Then due to all the rain, the fruit began to mold before I could eat it.  I did slice one open, and it didn’t seem ripe yet.


This spring, I’m going to try a new strategy of planting it into the ground and letting it grow along the fence.  I’ll start it a bit early using the clipped plant.  Then cross my fingers for 2019.  Here’s to a new hope:

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