This was the first time I’ve heard of a non-FR based axe from American Express. I can’t go into the details of the situation, but let’s just say that AMEX doesn’t like it when it receives personal checks not in your name or in any other unauthorized users’ names. If you’re doing this, I suggest you stop now.
What about going to a bill pay center and using cash to pay amex directly?
Curious, about the AUs. Does it have to be an AU specific to the payment to that particular card? or any AU across the entire account that can do a check payment?
I don’t think anyone knows this answer besides AMEX. The lesson learned is to stop doing it.
Oh wow, I do this on my player 2’s account. This sucks.
Two possibilities: 1) we know that 3rd party checks triggered the shutdown because an AMEX rep said so, either voice or in a letter, 2) we believe that 3rd party checks triggered the shutdown because that’s what the cardholder believes (for whatever reason).
Which is it?
How about the MO from WMT?
You need to find a CU to dump those MO’s. Why even take the risk
Can you provide details regarding “personal checks”? Did you mean the personal paper checks which are distinct from business checking ACH, right?
Like old school paper mailed in checks.
Does this include some bank bill payment service that snail mail checks?
No this wasn’t it.