Spotify family plan is now $14.99 a month



I’ve never had a Spotify premium account.  I usually just listen to the radio on my commute and my wife listens to XM radio.  I also figured out I could stream podcasts to my car’s bluetooth, so there really was no need for Spotify premium up until I got an Amazon Echo.

On the exact same day I was installing my Amazon Echo and realizing I needed Spotify premium, a reader randomly (I shit you not.  What a coincidence) told me about this new Spotify Family pricing.  Apparently, they’ve always had family accounts, but subsequent accounts were only half off.  Well it seems, due to Apple Music, they dropped their pricing to just $14.99 per month for up to 6 accounts.  The terms do say “All members must reside at the same address,” which means you should ask all of your friends to move in with you.  Unfortunately, still no Taylor Swift.

4 comments on “Spotify family plan is now $14.99 a month

  1. I initially refused ever wanting to pay for streaming services but after grabbing 5 of my friends to join my “family” and only paying $30 yearly for Spotify, I gave in. Life is better with no ads.

  2. Make sure (if you have the card), to charge it on the Ink+ (or a card that gives bonus to that) as you get 5x points. Also, Spotify seems to get hacked a lot, so I stopped doing automatic payments, as my cards kept getting compromised.

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