HURRY! Hamilton tickets for AMEX Platinum cardholders on June 7 10AM EST



A reader let me know that he got an email for Hamilton presale tickets for AMEX Platinum and Centurion members.  Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you should know that 1) Hamilton is the hottest Broadway show right now and 2) tickets to Hamilton resell for at least $400 in the nosebleed section (about $200 face value.)  I also read that Lin-Manuel Miranda’s last show will be sometime in July 2016, and those tickets are going for $10,000.  However even tickets in late 2016 are going for high prices. While I do have plans to go to New York in October, I was too late to buy tickets, so I may resell these and buy the ones I need from Stubhub and that’ll “even out” right?  Haha.


How to buy tickets

A reader sent me that screenshot above.  Usually, most AMEX presale codes just ask for the phone number on the back of the card as the code.  This one however says you will need a unique offer code to buy “up to 4 tickets.”  A different reader says he called Concierge to get a code (btw current hold time is over an hour) and they told him it’s the phone number on back of the card.  It’s all very confusing.  It would behoove you to call and see if they’ll give you a unique code just in case though.  This is unchartered waters here folks.  “May the odds be ever in your favor.”

Buy tickets here

Edit – You MUST CALL to get a unique code.  It will be good for 4 tickets.  After the presale ends, you can buy 2 more tickets.  Also, the emails were sent out randomly and a Concierge rep is telling me that may be moving to this model going forward.

Reselling Tips

  1. You have a limit of 4 tickets
  2. Try for a Friday or Saturday night
  3. My gut tells me a holiday Friday or Saturday is even better
  4. Use Stubhub (TM’s own site charges exorbitant fees)

57 comments on “HURRY! Hamilton tickets for AMEX Platinum cardholders on June 7 10AM EST

  1. I don’t have the option to download and print the tickets or have them mailed (until closer to the show). All I have is a QR code that is unviewable for now. In your experience, how far out do they typically mail the tickets if you select that delivery? Is that the best way to resell them if you wanted to? Am I good to list them on stubhub and guarantee a delivery date close to the show time? Thanks for your help!

        1. Are you talking about tickets for the show in Chicago or in NYC?
          The NYC ones will be available as a PDF on January 3rd (according to TicketMaster).
          The Chicago ones might only be available as a QR code I think, so I’m not actually sure how to sell those…

          1. Yeah, Chicago. I bought 2 pairs. I got mail delivery for the second but QR code for the first. Am debating on gifting second pair but was trying to see how to sell if that was an option. THanks for the info, will see when it gets mailed out

          2. I purchased 4 tickets, all 4 are QR codes. I plan on gifting these tickets, but am getting worried that it may not be possible. Any additional info would be a huge help.

      1. Are you saying you’ll ask for physical tickets from ticketmaster and then mail them to the buyer; or are you selling electronic tickets? I got electronic tickets i plan to sell and i didn’t think it would be an issue; guess my first ticket sale will be trickier than i thought.

  2. after 2 hours wait got the code. TM app doesn’t work on my phone complains that it’s jailbrocken. Is it me or I cant see any available tickets on PC with internet explorer except few $800 tickets. Are we shure it’s a moneymaker almost a year in advance? (Tx)

  3. Thanks!
    I managed to get through to Amex after 90 minutes on hold, and ended up buying 2 pairs of 2 tickets (around noon, eastern time). Might resell, might give to family/friends at cost, not sure yet.

    QQ: This was posted last night, but I only received the email with the post around 10:07 EDT (after tickets went on sale). Was this on purpose? Would have been nice to call Amex ahead of time to get the code and then buy tickets at 10am sharp.

    1. The email service sends the email every day at 7AM PST. I learned about this deal mid-Monday and posted as soon as I had details. Unfortunately the email service didn’t send out until the next morning. This isn’t a problem for 98% of my posts. Not sure how to resolve it either.

      1. I see. I guess it was an unfortunate coincidence that 7AM PDT (time email was sent out) was exactly when the Amex presale started (10AM EDT).

        A possible solution would be to (also) have an RSS feed, and then people can get updates faster (depending on their RSS reader)

  4. I have so far also, but I can’t find any dates with the lower amounts. My hand is starting to cramp.

  5. Thanks Vinh!! Never would have known about it otherwise. Got the code after a hold of an hour. Grabbed 4 tickets debating whether to sell or watch!

      1. Not sure why that happens, I was on hold for concierge and the call never dropped. But I think the tickets are sold out now.

  6. I just got four for the weekend before Valentine’s Day. FYI, I was able to use my Delta Amex instead of my Amex Platinum even though I got the code from the Platinum.

  7. Thanks for this post – thanks to it was able to get 4 tickets (for personal use). Appreciate it!!

    1. trust me did that too; logged out, then back in; used code with upper case, lower case, caps on caps off, everything.

          1. Ben, keep trying!! my code didn’t work for about 15 minutes, and i know it was right b/c i checked meticulously. i tried over and over and it finally worked. the site was too slammed to process correctly.

      1. OK, it eventually worked. I know i was typing the right code, with CAPS and all, but the slammed nature of the site just kept it from recognizing the code. i just kept resubmitting again and again and FINALLY it worked! 2 sets of 2 tix for next february. Rear Mezz is all i could get.

        Man, people love them some Hamilton!!

    1. Dang I have been on hold only like 25 mins…maybe I should just give up then lol. It does seem stupid they wouldn’t have enough people working to move this along…did they not think it would be a big thing or what?

          1. stay on, it still works! everyone else hung up but the codes are still available!!

  8. Lin Manuel Miranda’s last performance is July 9th, 2016 not “sometime in July 2017”. This will somewhat change the value of these for resale.

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