Starbucks Visa Checkout, misc news and support the Site


Starbucks $10 for $20 deal

Slickdeals posted this on Friday.  I dusted off my army of Visa Checkout accounts from the NFL Best Buy debacle.  I realized since that post 6 months ago, I no longer had about 10 of those cards due to the Chase shutdown as well as normal closings of accounts.  Anyway, I had done 1 deal, and tried to do 2 more, trying different “FROM” and “TO” accounts and different Visa Checkout accounts, but only got 1 bonus.  I gave up at that point, but a buddy found a trick to scale it up.  I won’t tell you what the trick was, but for these types of things, you have to ask yourself – how can I circumvent the 1 per person limit?  How would IT program this?  Surely you have to have at least a different TO email address and a different credit card.  What else needs to be different?  Trial and error would have led you to the answer.

By the way, I got lazy after about 10 of clicking through so many times.  I kept having to remind myself my hourly return was higher than my MS return on the deal. Very much reminded me that Amex Offer Ticketmaster Twitter rant a while back.  Mainly, I did it for wife miles since that’s the most valuable point currency out there.


Comenity shutdowns

From my Virgin America Comenity shutdown, I’m still waiting to get the letter before I CFPB those bastards.  If you read the comments on the post, another reader said he was shut down by them about 3-4 months after getting the card.  Another reader told me the same thing.  If you get the card, they’ll sort of check up on you after a couple of months, and if you’ve applied for too many new cards or they don’t like what they see, they’ll shut you down (even if you didn’t do any MS on the card.)  Weird bunch of folks they are.


Email response

I want to apologize to the people who it’s taken me a week to respond.  Usually I respond to emails in 2 ways – if it’s a quick answer, I reply almost immediately with about 1 sentence.  If it takes longer, I try to come back to it and then I eventually forget and it falls to the bottom of Gmail.  I know a couple of people have mentioned something to the effect of ‘a man of few words.’  Yes.  That’s me.  I like to get straight to the point, so please don’t expect anything longer than a paragraph back from me.  You guys remember that TV game show, “Name that Tune” where the purpose of the show was trying to name that song in the fewest notes possible.  Yes, that’s me!

It’s not that I don’t like you; it’s that I just don’t have the time to write you an entire paragraph.  That’s why it’s best when you email me, give me questions that lead to short answers.  I feel bad when you write 2-3 paragraphs and I respond back with 1 sentence.  Once again, don’t take it the wrong way.  That’s just how I respond to people.  Maybe it’s my ADD.  If you don’t hear back from me in 2-3 days, hit me up again, and I will for sure respond quickly.  Remember, I’m not a full time blogger.  I have a 9-5 like most of you and I’m juggling a lot of balls.


Support the Site

I realize this is like a rich guy asking for a handout, especially  after I posted my Q1 results, but know that I take time off every day to try to come up with original posts that other bloggers don’t talk about.  I leave the news to DoC, FM, and the other bloggers.  I write about my personal experiences and report about dead deals to help you try to think out of the box and find your own deals.  So if you like the content of the site, you can support the site by clicking on the Amazon links or any of the other referral links on the Support the Site page.  Thanks.

3 comments on “Starbucks Visa Checkout, misc news and support the Site

  1. Lol wife points. Yeah I believe each one of those points has the value of one solid gold brick.

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