What to do when your Vanilla Visa card doesn’t activate


You know how in reselling, you have to deal with the hassles of returns?  Well, this would be similar to a ‘return’ in the MS world – when your VGC doesn’t activate.  You know it’s a bad sign when the register takes a loooong time to print the receipt.  Sure enough, one of the things you never want to see on a receipt:



What to do

First, wait 24 hours to see if the cards do activate.  Then after 24 hrs, check on www.vanillavisa.com to see if there is a balance.  As you can see, 3 out of the 6 cards had the issue.  This is what you DON’T want to see on the web site:


If you see that screen, call them up at 1-800-571-1376.  


Information they need

My phone call took me 15 minutes.  They had to create a ticket with my name, address, phone, store name, number, address, phone, transaction #, the bad cards, etc.  Took a loong time.  Miraculously while I was on the phone with the rep, 2 out of the 3 cards magically had balances.  I even asked her if she was doing anything, and she said, “No, I’m just checking the balances.”  It was the oddest thing.  Anyway, after the phone call, only 1 card was still unactivated.  When you are done, you’ll need to:

  • Email them at consumed@incomm.com
  • In title – write your name and ticket # xxxxx (that they just gave you)
  • Attach a picture of receipt and your driver’s license

They say it can take up to 3 business days, but I got an email reply within 8 hours or so. I checked the site and confirmed I had $500 on it. 


25 comments on “What to do when your Vanilla Visa card doesn’t activate

  1. I just spent an hour and a half on the phone with their customer service. What a joke. My kids were given two $50 gift cards and neither one of them work. Customer service was insistent that I send them a copy of my drivers license. I told them they were crazy. This company is a complete scam.

    1. I bought my Cardin Walmart 3 months ago for $300 but it’s doesn’t work
      I called customer service they gave me case number and they told I have to wait 14 business days but 3 months already passed I sending my documents again and again and again
      I went Walmart but they couldn’t do anything.
      How can I get my money back ?

  2. I purchased a vanilla gift card 08/19/22 I put $100.00 when I tried to use it. it kept telling me invalid card. I took it back to walgreens where I had purchased it. the clerk tells me she cant do nothing about it. I then call 1-800-571-1376 all it say thank you for calling vanilla gift card. then it hangs me up. )= I went homeless. I can not afford to be losing money. especially $100.00. so please!!! answer my emails. which I have emailed you also.

  3. I bought this $500 Vanilla gift card and when it was sent to my friend he notified me that it was not activated. I have called the number on the back of my card three different times and still do not have this problem resolved. I have bought Vanilla gift cards from you that’s all the way back to February 23rd and have never had a problem like this before. I have spent several thousand dollars on these cards as you will see. The case number they have given me is 46605 803. I am 68 years old and need this money back please. I do believe the main problem is when I checked all of my vanilla cards back to February 23rd and looked at the receipts this card is the only one who’s receipt number does not match the card I bought and I can’t figure out why. If I am able to hear I am attaching the card front and back the inaccurate receipt and the back of the cover that the card was in. Also front and back of my driver’s license. It appears there is no way for me to send those pictures with this so I will try that another way . Thank you, Milton

  4. I bought a visa vinilla card for 500.00 and it was not activated I went back to the store and they said they could not help me soright now I am out 500.00 I called the number and they gave me a reffnumber it is #446644961 so can you help me I’m 70 years old and need the money back thank you sandra

    1. Sandra, look at the receipt and see what the last 4 numbers of the visa card shows and compare it to the last 4 numbers printed on the back of the card. See if they match. If they don’t match, go back to the store and speak to the manager and tell them that the cards on display have been tampered with. The store should refund you or give you a working visa card.

  5. What is the use with OV nowadays? RA went cash-only, and with no Serve, I’m finding no alternatives to unload OVs. PM perhaps please?

  6. Not circles and arrows necessarily, but a simple straightforward way to explain the process. Good post! I had one card go goofy and eventually found it was my fault as I tried to use it wrong and it locked up. Calling fixed everything

    I also have to say, the guy I talked to fix this gift card was WAY easier to deal with than most of my recent phone things with credit card people (I am looking at you Citibank)

  7. Much better than the hoops Metabank was going to make me go through when 4 cards I bought at Staples didn’t activate. Fortunately it was their fault at Staples so they refunded me my money and sold me new ones. But Metabank expected me to send in one fax for each card, with all the details, similar to what you mentioned above written out 4 times, and then also with a list of Do Not Call times so that they could call me back at some random time of day to resolve the issue. Not the friendliest system to work with- hopefully I don’t ever have to.

    1. Oh yeah for sure. Much easier than those US Bank cards too. Anytime they can accept a photo instead of a stupid fax is a win.

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