I had heard of people getting these Facebook advertising fraud charges on their AMEX for over a year now, but it’s finally happened to me. Luckily it didn’t go through cuz I heard it was a pain to get all of them removed. The odd thing is that this was a new business gold card that I had gotten 2 months ago. The only purchases were at Staples and a site that rhymes with booze. I’ll let you guys debate on which site was the source of the leak.

My Biz gold had 2 retailers. One was staples and the other I know was safe. As for that other retailer I’m what you might call a teetotaller so haven’t spent there.
“Staples, and a site that rhymes with booze”.
Neither the comments here nor a Google rhyming search for booze has helped me to understand what other site you meant. Why be cryptic? Maybe all the big hitters know which site you meant. Not me.
Out of all my un authorized charges these fb ones I let be since it was like 6-7 at like few dollars that amounted to $12 or so so I let them be. Home it doesn’t happen with larger amounts
There will never, ever be any unauthorized charge that I knowingly let stand. I am that guy who fights over principle. May not be worth your time, but I will not accept being a victim.
I had 47 of these charges, totaling $571. All of them removed by Amex, and settled.
holy crap 47. over how many cards?
2 cards
This happened to me on my Marriott Biz card. Never used it on booze or staples.
Personally I think Facebook is the issue here. My guess is they are allowing multiple attempts at a charge, perhaps without a security code like Amazon. I’ve been using booze for a while and never had an issue. This seems to be purely an Amex issue, I’ve never seen anyone complain about it on Visa or MC, but Amex numbers aren’t really that difficult to figure out. Why Amex hasn’t made this a priority, I have no idea. Facebook advertising must have very relaxed security as well.
At least AMEX did a safekey on the charge and blocked it whereas other ppl’s actually get hit.
I’ve gotten these charges on new cards so I don’t think a particular site leaked it.
even when you’ve never even made a charge before on the card?
Fun fact. You can’t dispute these charges as they appear ‘valid’. Not sure how AMEX determines that if cardholder didn’t make them. One must communicate to AMEX that they are fraudulent instead and then they will remove/credit the charges.
This is not to say that the same exact thing can happen when one gets a replace card number either. Not sure what scam is going on, but AMEX doens’t show a particular interest in plugging this hole.
Initially Amex told me they were valid charges and wouldn’t do anything about it but then a few months later they contacted me about it and issued a new card and refunds.