The result of my AMEX FR

About 2 weeks ago, I wrote about how AMEX called me for a financial review. I remember them calling me on a Friday at 6pm PT. They had asked for a couple of bank statements. Later that night, I uploaded to them the latest bank statements from the 2 banks that I’ve been paying most of my AMEX cards. Then I waited…

Then the following Friday, a guy calls me and said they needed the last 2 statements of both bank accounts. He then said he’d extend my deadline a week. At that point, I was like, “Look, you waited a week to tell me this, so this is on you guys for taking so long.” That following night, I uploaded the last 2 statements.

Sure enough, a week and a day, I got a call from an overseas AMEX rep telling me my accounts have been restored and I can continue to use my cards. I was a bit miffed it took them 5 business days to look through some bank statements. I just wished the initial guy had told me he wanted the last 2 bank statements to save me a week of waiting.

Side note – they didn’t seem to care/mind/mention the nearly $50K of dining I had been doing the past couple of weeks. So the lesson learned here is – when you get FR’ed and they ask for bank statements, send them the last 2-3 from the start.

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