Doordash $3 credits for taking pics of food

I don’t use Doordash much since I have Uber Eats credit, but I fired up Doordash the other day and noticed that my local pho place was giving out $3 credits for certain menu items. So I ordered one of the items that the shop needed, which was a plate of eggrolls. I plated it pretty nicely and took a pic. When I went to rate the delivery, I uploaded a pic of the item. Then I’d say 24 hours later, I got an email saying “Your food photo has been selected for the menu” and that I’d get the $3 credit. I mean I’m not going to order something I wouldn’t eat just to get the $3 credit, but if it’s something that sounds good, I’d order it to get the $3. Definitely restaurant YMMV.

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