I’ve been hearing a lot about Top Chico water, and I know I’m late to the game. I don’t know what finally convinced me to try it out – whether it was a Tiktok video or the fact that my local grocery store struggles to keep them in stock. Even at over $1 a bottle, I’m shocked at how fast they sell out. Anyway, I was able to try the lime and the plain one since that’s all they carried.
First sip – “Wow this is REALLY CARBONATED!” And I don’t know how to describe the rest of it…maybe ‘very minerally’ perhaps? But it was DELICIOUS. It’s almost like a Sprite w/o the sugar. I definitely prefer to drink one after dinner over a La Croix. Comparing the plain Topo Chico to the plain La Croix… I’m sure you already know the taste of the La Croix one, but the Topo Chico has more carbonation and has a hint of a taste that I can’t describe (maybe it’s the mineral taste or maybe it’s the PFAS in it.) Either way, while it’s good, I don’t think I could drink 2 in one sitting due to all the carbonation.
A week later when my store was out of Topo Chico, I tried the Perrier grapefruit flavor and it’s just not the same even though that’s supposed to be mineral water too. I don’t know, this Topo Chico stuff is delicious. Go give it a try.
Will have to try It’s a different animal, but we swear by spindrift. Carbonation + fruit juice. When it goes BOGO at Publix works out to about 38 cents a can. we end up buying several carts worth and literally line a wall with them lol
Vinh, this is like killing a MS opportunity. I already have a hard time finding Topo Chico, now it’s going to get even harder lol.
Another one to check out, that is more like a strong mineral water – not as heavily carbonated – garolsteiner. See what you think. But Topo Chico is king.
bruh, i didn’t think the pitchforks would come after me for talking about water
Tons of little bubbles or tons of huge bubbles? Tons of big ones wreck me, but tons of tiny ones is amazing. Have only found that once in my travels and can’t remember what it was or where we found it.
Try it with tequila and fresh lime juice. Yes Ranch Water. The best!!
I’d say it’s tons of little bubbles, not big ones.
Love it? Buy KO (Coca Cola) stock, they going to make Bank on Topo Chico
Dude I don’t know either but it’s different. It’s just so good