3/17 9:20AM update – That was a shit show. Anyway. please fill in the order confirmation form below once you get that. IF ANY OF YOUR COINS ARE BACKORDERED, THAT’LL BE TBD. Come back later or I’ll make a post on what to do with them. If you didn’t reserve a 4 coin set, email me later in the day or tomorrow to see if I have capacity. I should since that was such a shit show.
3/17 12:10PM update – This is how you check for backorder. Log into your MINT order. You can see that the order total isn’t adding the coin’s price to the total. As of right now, it’s TBD on backorders, but don’t be surprised if buyer makes us cancel backorders

3/17 5:15PM update – Due to so many backordered coins, if your 4 pc sets are still in PROCESSING or is NOT BACKORDERED (see above,) email me for some limited extra capacity.
3/22 6:00PM update – A good number of folks have coins in hand already. If you have coins in hand and nothing outstanding, request a label below. If you have coins that are on BACKORDER, it seems the MINT is randomly shipping those out, so give it 2-3 days to see if the MINT ships out the BACKORDER. If they haven’t by that time, request a shipping label to ship out what you have on hand and we’ll deal with the BACKORDER later.
3/27 9:00PM update – All coins delivered through Friday 3/25 will be paid out on Tuesday 3/29. If you didn’t get the echeck, check your spam or search for ‘OnlineCheckWriter’.
3/29 9:30AM update – All coins delivered through Friday 3/25 were paid out just now. If you didn’t get the echeck, check your spam or search for ‘OnlineCheckWriter’. I won’t be making any future payment updates. You’ll receive your echeck within 3-4 business days after delivery. If you haven’t received it by day 5, please reach out to me.
3/30 6:00PM update – If you have coins in hand and some backorders, wait until Sunday to request a label for what you have in hand. Buyer will make a decision on Monday/Tuesday on what to do with the backorders.
4/4 1:30PM update – Seems a lot of 4pc sets and other coins went to PROCESSING or SHIPPED over the weekend. Buyer is still accepting the sets as well as any shipped coins. Please do not cancel any backorders at this time.
4/6 7:00PM update – If you have a 4pc set that has shipped out already from the MINT, but you don’t have it in hand yet, go ahead and request a shipping label by Sunday night so that you can quickly ship it back out as soon as it arrives. The buyer is going to make a decision on backordered coins by the end of the week.
4/11 9:00AM update – Buyer says to keep all backorders for the time being. When/if he wants us to cancel, I’ll update, make a new post and email folks who locked in order confirmations. Thanks
4/21 1:30pm update – Buyer has requested you cancel all backorders. If you have an outstanding label, please ship what you have asap. Thanks
On Thursday, there’s going to be 4 MINT coin opportunities. Please read this post fully.
- 4 proof set – my buyer is going to pay $350 over cost UPDATE cost is $5332.50 + $350 = $5682.50 payout
- 1/2 ounce coin – my buyer is going to pay $175 over cost UPDATE cost is $1450 + $175 = $1625 payout
- 1/4 ounce coin – my buyer is going to pay $75 over cost UPDATE cost is $752.50 + $75 = $827.50 payout
- 1/10 ounce coin – my buyer is going to pay $25 over cost UPDATE cost is $330 + $25 = $355 payout
- He is NOT buying the 1 ounce coins
Also note that if the 4pc set, 1/2 and 1/4 coins are sold out, DO NOT BUY THE 1/10 ounce coins. The 1/10 should be added to an order with one of the other 3 coins.
Mint’s shipping cost will be on you, so if the coin is $5000 + $5 shipping, that means the payout is $5350, not $5355.
Clearly, you shold focus on the 4 proof set. ONLY PLACE 1 COIN PER ORDER, MEANING DON’T TRY TO BUY ALL 4 IN ONE ORDER OR EVEN TWO OF THEM because it may sell out on you. Buy the 4 proof set. Once you’ve done that, buy the 1/2 ounce coin. Once you’ve done that, move on to the 1/4 and then to the 1/10 ounce coin.
Insured labels are provided by my buyer. Just keep the dropoff receipt and don’t just hand over to a random driver.
These coins should ship out ASAP and the coins need to be shipped out to my buyer in a timely manner. If you are going to go on vacation for the next 2-3 weeks or you won’t be able to ship out the coins for 3 weeks, then I would suggest you pass on this deal.
I will update this post when the MINT starts shipping out the coins. If your order doesn’t ship out within a few days from when the majority of coins are shipping out, email me so we can make arrangements.
Payment will be made 3-4 BUSINESS DAYS after coin delivery via an echeck.
My buyer has a capacity limit on how many coins he will take. If you want to reserve a spot, please fill out this form. This form is to reserve capacity. You will fill out a separate form after you have placed the order.
3/16 update – Reservation capacity has been met. If you decide to buy the coin and do not have a reservation with me, you can email me after the coin drop and I’ll let you know if I have space for you. Thanks.
If you do NOT reserve a spot, then I may or may not buy from you. It will depend on how many coins people were able to order. You can email me at coinsperday@gmail.com to see if I have allocation.
If you RESERVE a spot but weren’t able to order the coins, sure I get it. Things happen. However, if this happens repeatedly, I will not buy coins from you going forward.
If you RESERVE a spot, order the coins, and the MINT cancels on you later, fwd me the cancellation email to let me know. No harm, no faul; shit happens.
Thursday, after purchasing the coins
- Fill in this form
- Forward your US Mint order confirmation (wait for the 2nd one that is the ORDER CONFIRMATION and not just ORDER RECEIVED) to coinsperday@gmail.com. Please don’t expect a confirmation reply to the email.
If you’ve done the 2 steps, then you’re locked in.
Shipping label request form once coins IN HAND
DO NOT OPEN THE BOX when it arrives. It should come in a plain brown box from UPS or USPS with from label MEMPHIS, TN. If you bought multiple coins, you can check the tracking to know which coin is which. You can combine multiple coins into A BIGGER OUTER BOX and request 1 label. DO NOT OPEN THE MINT BOXES!
When you have coins in hand, request a shipping label with this form.
Labels are created in a batch once a day. If you miss the cutoff, you’ll get the label the next business day. I will email you a UPS label from my email address. You can then slap the new label over existing label and drop off.
Coin dropoffs
You can then drop off the coins at UPS. Be careful with Staples since their scanning system isn’t integrated into UPS. MAKE SURE YOU GET A DROPOFF RECEIPT THAT SHOWS WEIGHT. DO NOT HAND IT TO A RANDOM DRIVER! Keep this receipt until you get paid.
When the coins get delivered, an electronic check will be emailed to you within 3-4 business days (takes time to open and process.) Please check your spam folder for an email from Onlinecheckwriter, especially if you have Hotmail/Outlook.
As reported on some “numismatic coins” forums, it appears that BackOrders are changing today to “Processing” and Credit Cards are being charged – My card was also charged and my status changed to Processing.
Hopefully Vinh’s buyer(s) will reconsider their decision to have folks cancel pending orders and they’ll start buying again as Orders will start arriving next week!
No, this was updated here, a new blog post was made and everyone was emailed to cancel all pending orders LAST FRIDAY because my buyer stopped taking. You can check with Pinehurst to see if they are still buying.
Got mine today. Would your buyer take at cost? Returns to the Mint have gotten lost for me in the past.
If you didn’t lock in, you’ll be paid $115 for it. Just fill out the shipping label request
For any other first timers out there, just wanted to say that the process was painless (with the exception of the mint doing what they love to do).
Getting a label and getting paid were both quick and easy. Hope that helps anyone looking for feedback who’s tired of PFS and Pinehurst.
Has the buyer made a decision on backorders as of 4/11? I’m willing to wait it out if the buyer is willing.
He just let me know to keep all backorders for time being. I’ll update post.
Just read on another blog that PFS is screwing their buyers and offering a LOWER amount than originally offered if the order is back-ordered!
PFS is already the low-paying player in all of these deals and this should serve as a warning to others to NEVER deal with PFS until they offer to pay their buyers an honest profit as Vinh here and other buyers do…and stick to their word!!
I got an email from the Mint last night that said my 4 coin set had shipped. I already reserved a spot for this via the google form back when it went on sale.
Yes see the updates in the main post
Hi Vinh,
Like Alex earlier, this morning my two 4 coin proof sets went from Backorder to Processing. I also reserved a spot for two sets on your list. Is your buyer still accepting or should I cancel?
Hi Vinh, my 4 piece set just went from “backordered” to “processing” so hopefully it will ship soon. Do you know if your buyer is still buying (I reserved a spot) or if I should try and cancel at this point?
Yes they are still taking.
This is my second coin deal with Vinh, oh. It it was smooth, got my e-check on 31st. Thanks vinh.
Will be looking into your Slack program.
First time doing this but entire process was pretty straightforward, thanks!
If we only have the 1/10 coin in hand and the 4pc set in backorder, can we still request a label on Sunday for the 1/10 coin only?
Yes request it on Sunday
Just coming back to say that this has been another hassle free sale to Vinh and his buyer. I simply followed the directions in the (updated) post and received my check yesterday.
Reminder to check your Spam folder since that’s where Gmail sent the e-check email.
Does the echeck come from coinsperday gmail from Vinh?
I just found the answer by reading Vinh’s entire post again.
where should i send the email if i still not received the check, i went through my spam already.
Hi Vinh,
My 4 coin sets are still list as Backordered. How long should I wait before I cancel the orders?
My guess is buyer wants to wait 1-2 weeks to see how many have been delivered before making a decision on backorders.
Been 7 days since my “Your order has shipped” email and still no movement on the tracking. Something to be concerned about?
Had the same issue, then it just arrived yesterday – I could see it in the tracking.
If I get the label tomorrow, would Wednesday of next week be fine for dropping it off, or is this expected to be dropped off almost immediately?
That works. In the past, folks have waited a week, which was not acceptable.
I just received 1/10th, 2 other coins (four coin set and 1/4th) are back ordered. Should I request a shipping label now just for the one I received or wait for few more days and see what happens with other 2?
Wait until mid next week since you have only teh 1/10
I filled out a label request on Monday and still haven’t received one.
Send me an email because blog comments don’t have the necessary information for me to know who you are.
I forwarded the confirmation email last night to coinsperday@gmail.com
For people who have received their coins already, are they requiring signatures for delivery? In the past they have sometimes required a signature but some of the last ones (even the $5k ones) were just dropped in my mailbox.
I just found out that the coins may be delivered today and I probably won’t be around when they get dropped off.
No signature was required for my 4-proof set. It was dropped off in my mailbox.
I did not have to sign when my 4 coin set was delivered.
Anyone weighted their 4 proof set?
Mine is surprisingly light at 300g. Hopefully not another dud!
Not in grams, but at the UPS Store when I dropped off, it was 0.65 lb including box and whatever inside the box (I have never opened before, so I don’t know if there are packing materials, etc in it). According to the conversion .65lb is about 300g (a little less).
What happens if shipment is lost? Who is responsible for the 5,000 + value?
I should declare the full value when I give it to UPS, correct?
I should not pay for insurance, correct?
The prepaid label is already fully insured by the buyer, so you just need to drop it off and get a receipt.
Four-coin set was received today (that was fast). However, the 1/10 coin I ordered shows “SHIPPED” on US Mint Site and “Label Created, Not Yet In System” on USPS Tracking Site.
Should I wait to fill out google form until 1/10 coin is in hand even though it might be a while???
Many thanks!
Give it a few days and you should see movement. So wait.
4-set delivered 3/21…the 1/10th oz is holding me up from completing the google form to send in to Buyer. Tracking info shows 1/10th “In Transit, Arriving Late” when it originally showed it would deliver last FRI 3/25.
Should I proceed w/4-set to your Buyer now and cancel 1/10th oz?
I am in the exact same situation,
Cap and Drac, I’ve heard of the coins just mysteriously showing up even though tracking doesn’t show delivered, so if there is movement, give it until end of week in case it shows up. If not, shoot me and email and I’ll deal with each situation individually.
2022-03-31 Update: 4-set has been in hand for 10 days now but 1/10th coin has been showing “Out for Delivery” since Mar 30th. Problem is, the parcel is back in Memphis and appears to be returned for some reason. I’m not sure if your Buyer wants the 1/10th coin. I don’t mind eating the cost myself for 1/10th coin at this point.
Should I email you details so I can ship the 4-set to you asap? I’m hoping to get the 1/10th coin order I sent via Google form a couple weeks ago REMOVED and we can proceed with just the 4-set from that same completed Google form?
Sorry for headache w/this one…never happened this way before with me :/
Go ahead and request label for the 4pc. Don’t worry about the 1/10 anymore.