Starbucks wipes out all my stars after my prepaid card shutdown

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how Chase shut down my mom’s Starbucks prepaid card. I didn’t think much about it at the time, but when I went to log onto her account a few days ago, I got a login error. That’s NEVER a good sign. I then reset the password, logged on and saw she had 0 stars. I then looked at the activity screen:

Well it seems they wiped out all my stars on July 1, which made no sense because the card wasn’t shut down until mid July or so. Plus, stars expire in a rolling sequence (hence the ‘stars expiring soon’ table with months above.) I then looked at the activity:

Well it looks like I earned 800 stars on July 20, so why didn’t I at least have 800 stars since that was deposited AFTER the July 1 wipe?!? I called them up and the rep asked me if I had closed my prepaid card. I told her, “Yes, but that shouldn’t wipe out all my stars.” She then put me on hold for a while; when she came back, she said, “Okay, I put back 2800 stars because 200 were earned in January, which would have expired now.” So luckily I was able to get the stars back, but it was interesting that they wiped them all out when my card was shut down. Or maybe something else happened to cause all the stars to be wiped?!?

LESSON LEARNED – Don’t hoard those stars! Use them up!

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