You know how in MS, there are tips that old timers know that most newbies don’t know about like being able to make Citi phone payments? Well I didn’t learn about this until about a month ago, and now I look back of all the opportunities I missed out on. If you’ve tried to buy any hot tickets in the past year, you know the annoying Ticketmaster queue. By the time you got in, the great tickets were all gone.
Well, it turns out that if you called in to their automated phone ordering line, you could bypass the queue. You could have gotten REALLY GREAT BTS tickets while others were in the online queue for hours. I tried it for Garth Brooks Denver and sure enough, I got 8 tickets on the floor before my online queue even got through. Well, it turns out as of late April, Ticketmaster has discontinued their phone orders.
Of course this now makes me wonder what other tips I’ve been missing out that these old timer ticket brokers know about. Did anyone else know about this?