I don’t even know who Jeff Tweedy is, but I was willing to buy just because…that Viet gambling blood. Actually this wasn’t a gamble; this was more of a, “Let me see how well Jeff Tweedy does for future reference.” At least I learned my lesson and didn’t go hard on him like I did with Bob Weir. I chose to go for his Boston tickets instead of NY since he was doing 2 shows for NY. The tickets released at 7PM EST and the seats sold fairly quickly from what I heard. I actually forgot about the sale and waited until 8:20PM to see if I could pull up tickets and oddly, I was able to still buy tickets at that late hour. By the way, don’t do this. Usually if a show isn’t sold out within the first hour (really the first 5-15 minutes), then it’s most likely going to be a bad flip. But I bought anyway for “research;” all in cost was $83 for the pair. That was another compelling reason – if the pair had been $200, I most likely would have passed, but for $83, it was worth the risk.
I waited 5 days after buying them to post on SH just because I was kinda lazy. They sold after 3 days for a net price of ~$155 (an ROI of 87%.) I was shocked at how well they did; I was expecting to maybe make $20 each on them or so. I think the combination of low face value tickets and higher demand than expected worked out on this flip. Do I plan on flipping him in the future? Maybe; just depends on other variables. Sometimes you’re good; sometimes you get lucky.