Don’t forget to complete your shopping portal profile like iConsumer


You know that feeling you get when you THINK you left the oven on or when you feel a portal should have paid you by now but they haven’t?  Well, I kept having that feeling with iConsumer since I know they currently owe me quite a bit of chunk change.  Well it turns out that 1. they DO owe me a lot of money and 2. I actually never entered in my address in my profile, and that’s why they haven’t sent me a check yet.  FACEPALM EMOJI!

That’s the thing with these shopping portals – you usually sign up by creating an email and password.  Sometimes you forget to actually complete your profile and specify how you want to be paid.  This is to remind you to go complete your profile so you get PAID.




Other misc notes

  1. A buddy has been paid out by them already, so they are “legit.”
  2. It takes 90 days before things become payable
  3. They mail checks once a month


By the way, if you haven’t signed up yet, here’s my referral link –  I’ll earn $10, which I will use towards buying eggplants for my garden.  I will then carve your name into said eggplant before eating it and filling up my tummy.  Thanks for the support.


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4 comments on “Don’t forget to complete your shopping portal profile like iConsumer

  1. Nice save, I also hadn’t given my address. They only owe me 228.00 right now, but I definitely would have gotten frustrated down the road.

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