I’ve been buying about $4K of money orders per trip to Walmart since Simon started their promo. So this has been going on for about 2-3 months now. I’d average about 2 trips a week. Remember when you go over $1K, you need to provide your driver’s license. When you go over $3K, then you have to enter your SSN in.
My last purchases were on Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday when I went on Wednesday, my usual friendly cashier took my DL, had me punch in my SSN, and after she typed in my occupation, she said, “Oh Oh, I can’t sell you any more money orders.” There was a pop-up on her screen that said that (she wasn’t being a hater.) I then asked to do $3K since that doesn’t require SSN. Once again, after typing in my DL info, she got the pop-up again. Frustrated, I did $1K ($999.12 to be exact) and that worked since that doesn’t require DL info.
From what I’ve heard, there is a workaround with this but at this point, I don’t think it’s worth the hassle anymore. Lesson learned here folks – slow and steady with WMT MO’s.