A possible reason why your Stubhub buyer hasn’t accepted your TM transfer


I had some sold mobile transfer tickets on Stubhub a few months ago.  Months went by and the buyer never accepted my TM transfer.  Then last week, I got a call from Stubhub.  The person on the phone was asking me to cancel and re-transfer the tickets (since transferred tickets do expire if the recipient doesn’t accept them in time.)  Interestingly, they gave me a different name and email address to transfer to.  I was confused and asked why it wasn’t the same person.  The rep goes, “Oh, your buyer re-sold the tickets on Stubhub and so you are transferring them to the 2nd buyer directly.”  You can imagine my shock.

I then asked the rep, “So I can buy tickets from SH and resell back on SH?”  The rep replied “SURE!” like I was an idiot.  Of course this begs the question – what if the tickets turned out bad?  Who is responsible for that – the first seller or second seller?  I don’t even want to imagine the repercussion of that.

Lessons Learned

Apparently you can flip SH tickets.  This would be extremely risky, but if you had bought my earlier Pink tickets, you could easily flip them for 2X now.  I’m almost certain that my buyer lost money on this gamble.

2 comments on “A possible reason why your Stubhub buyer hasn’t accepted your TM transfer

  1. I’ve done it a couple times, but only because the tickets jumped up more than the more than 30% in fees that Stubhub collects when you buy and then sell. They collect from the buyer and seller on each sale. I wish they’d at least rebate a portion of the seller fee on the resale, but no, this is Stubhub we’re talking about.

  2. A couple years back I bought a set of Hamilton NY tickets on ST. Later on I sold half of them on ST for a great profit.

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